How To Pre-Apply For Buyers Badge?

[Banner @ Filtrade Trading] How To Pre-Apply For Buyers Badge

What is Buyers Badge?

Buyers Badge is an IC Card as the below picture shows.

Why overseas buyers need to apply for Buyers Badge?

The Buyers Badge (IC Card) is the only official admission to the Canton Fair. Getting your entry badge via IC Card Online Pre-application is your option.

How much does it cost?

The Buyers Badge you’re applying for should be your first ever Buyers Badge, otherwise you are not qualified for pre-application.

Pre-application for Buyers Badge is free. Overseas buyers can enter the Complex directly with the Buyers Badge valid for multi-sessions. Please keep it safe. A service fee of CNY200.00/badge will be charged for re-application under any circumstances including the badge is lost or not brought with buyers.

How to pre-apply for Buyers Badge?

Step 1: Enter Canton Fair BEST (Buyer E-Service Tool) through the link of Click into the section of “Pre-application for Buyers Badge”.

[Image @ Filtrade Trading] How To Pre-Apply For Buyers Badge #2

Step 2: Register a new account with your personal information.

[Image @ Filtrade Trading] How To Pre-Apply For Buyers Badge #3.1
[Image @ Filtrade Trading] How To Pre-Apply For Buyers Badge #4

Step 3: Click the provided link in email to activate the new account.

[Image @ Filtrade Trading] How To Pre-Apply For Buyers Badge #5
[Image @ Filtrade Trading] How To Pre-Apply For Buyers Badge #6

Step 4: Login the account.

[Image @ Filtrade Trading] How To Pre-Apply For Buyers Badge #7

Step 5: Select “No” when you see the pop-up message “Have you already got the Canton Fair’s buyer badge?”.

[Image @ Filtrade Trading] How To Pre-Apply For Buyers Badge #8

Step 6: Complete Personal Information

[Image @ Filtrade Trading] How To Pre-Apply For Buyers Badge #10
[Image @ Filtrade Trading] How To Pre-Apply For Buyers Badge #11.1
[Image @ Filtrade Trading] How To Pre-Apply For Buyers Badge #12

Step 7: Complete Company Information

[Image @ Filtrade Trading] How To Pre-Apply For Buyers Badge #14
[Image @ Filtrade Trading] How To Pre-Apply For Buyers Badge #15.1

Step 8: Complete Associate Management
You should set the administration account and associate account (if available) of company.

[Image @ Filtrade Trading] How To Pre-Apply For Buyers Badge #17

Step 9: Pre-application for Buyers Badge.

[Image @ Filtrade Trading] How To Pre-Apply For Buyers Badge #9
[Image @ Filtrade Trading] How To Pre-Apply For Buyers Badge #18
[Image @ Filtrade Trading] How To Pre-Apply For Buyers Badge #19.1
[Image @ Filtrade Trading] How To Pre-Apply For Buyers Badge #20
[Chart @ Filtrade Trading] How To Pre-Apply For Buyers Badge

Where to get the Buyers Badge after the pre-application is passed?

The buyers can get their first free badges at the following 3 places by presenting the Return Receipt mentioned above and valid original overseas identity certificates including Overseas passports, HongKong/Macao Home-return Permit, Taiwan Compartiot Travel Certificate, and Chinese passports as Overseas Chinese or with above-one-year overseas work visa.

  1. Oversea Buyers’ Registration Offices in the Canton Fair Complex
  2. Overseas Buyers’ Registration Counter at Appointed Hotels of Guangzhou (This service is to be temporarily suspended during the 133rd Canton Fair)
  3. Canton Fair HongKong Representative Office

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