Wishing you a prosperous 2024

We’re back in action, embracing new opportunities in 2024 🎉

Whether you are looking for reliable suppliers, seeking new business opportunities, or exploring the potential of the Chinese market, Filtrade Trading is here to support you.

Whether you are looking for raw materials, components, finished products, or even custom manufacturing services, we would help you navigate the complexities of the Chinese market and identify the competitive suppliers.

By partnering with us, you can benefit from our market knowledge, negotiation skills, and supply chain expertise. Our goal is not only to help you source products but also to establish long-term relationships that foster mutual growth and success.

We look forward to connecting with you, engaging in fruitful collaborations, and contributing to your China-sourcing business success.

Wishing you a prosperous 2024 龙年大吉!

Let’s connect!
✉️ info@filtradetrading.com

Best Regards,
Filtrade Trading


  1. David A. Wall

    Hi, I am very much looking forward to partnering with your Company as we seek to establish our China – Barbados Sourcing Business!

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