China Visa-free Policy FAQs: Citizens from France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and Malaysia

On November 24th, 2023, China decided to apply unilateral visa-free policy to more countries on a trial basis, which involves extending visa-free treatment to travelers holding ordinary passports from six countries, namely France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and Malaysia.

From December 1st, 2023 to November 30th, 2024, citizens from the above-mentioned countries holding ordinary passports can be exempted from visa to enter China and stay for no more than 15 days for business, tourism, family visit, and transit purposes.

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On January 15th, 2024, the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in France issued Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on the Visa-Free Policy for Ordinary Passport Holders from 6 Countries including France, which reads as follows:

A. Application

1: Should foreign visitors entering China under visa-free policy apply to Chinese embassies or consulates first?
Eligible foreign visitors who enter China under the visa-free policy do not need to apply to Chinese embassies or consulates first.

2: Are there any special requirements for minors entering China under the visa-free policy?
The visa-free policy applies to minors and adults under the same conditions.

3: Are there any requirements for the type and validity period of the entry certificate?
To enter China, foreign visitors need to hold valid ordinary passports and the validity period must meet their travel needs in China.
Note: Foreign visitors holding certificates other than ordinary passports, such as travel permits and temporary or emergency certificates, should not enjoy visa-free entry.

4: Does the visa-free policy apply to tourist groups?
The visa-free policy applies to eligible foreign visitors, whether they enter China in tourist groups or individually.

B. Departure

1: Should foreign visitors bring anything other than passport when entering China?
It is suggested to bring an invitation letter, air ticket, hotel reservation receipt, and other supporting materials that can prove the purpose of entering China.
Note: Foreign visitors entering China for work, study, interview, and report do not fall within the scope of visa exemption.

2: Can foreign visitors depart from other countries instead of their mother countries?
Foreign visitors eligible for visa-free entry into China can depart from any country/region other than China.

C. Visit

1: Can foreign visitors extend their stay in China for more than 15 days?
A foreign visitor who intends to stay in China for more than 15 days should apply for a visa consistent with his purpose of entering China at a Chinese embassy or consulate before departure. He who needs to continue his stay in China due to a reasonable and legitimate reason after visa-free entry should apply to the exit and entry administration authority of the public security organ for a stay and residence permit.

2: Can foreign visitors eligible for visa-free entry into China enter and exit China multiple times? Is there a requirement for entry interval or a limit on the number of visa-free entry and days of stay?
Foreign visitors eligible for visa-free entry into China can enter and exit China multiple times. At present, there is no limit on the number of visa-free entry or days of stay, but foreign visitors should not engage in activities inconsistent with entering China.

This policy offers a great opportunity for convenient, flexible, and cost-effective travel to China. By bypassing the visa application process, it saves time and money, allowing for spontaneous trip planning and increased freedom, which is especially beneficial for business travelers.

Welcome to Guangzhou, China!

Source: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in France
For more details on China visa-free policy, please kindly check the official introduction below:

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